Tuesday, December 2, 2014

In the beginning there was nothing...


Somehow despite the ample availability of pornography, pirated cartoons and nigh endless supply of cat videos available on the internet you have found your way here, to this little corner of the the internet.  I'm not sure how and I don't know why*, but since your here pull up a chair and have a cup of joe while I get to the particulars.

As with anything there is a beginning, a middle and eventually an end.  And that is where we are.  The beginning.  What the middle and end will be, I can't say... I hope that the end wont be an unanswered, unwritten, long forgotten archive on a server somewhere in a data warehouse over at Google, but that's always a possibility... but so is getting hit by a bus every time you walk outside, but we still do that on a daily basis...  for what it is worth, please know that trailing off into nothingness isn't my intent, and I'll try to keep up with this as best I can, with at least something every day.  Will I miss a day here and there?  Probably.  But it should be easy enough to keep up with this.  What do they say?  21 days in a row and it becomes habit... so here's hoping..

So where was I?  Oh yes, 'The Beginning'.

The best way to do this is to I guess outline what this is with the 5Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why).  So here goes:

Who: Me.  The guy in the not so flattering photo at the top of this post.  Chris Malone, age 31, married, living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn with 2 cats and a dog.  I work in Long Island City as a ceiling and drywall estimator by day, a musician/bandleader/promoter/manager/booking agent/writer/artist/and now blogger by night.

What: Well, pretty much everything.  Musical and other artistic projects I'm working on.  My thoughts on the news, life, my health, science fiction, cartoons, life's meaning, etc.  I can't promise it will always be enthralling, but it will be 100% honest, uncensored (as much as Google's term of service will allow) and the truth, no matter how unflattering that may be.

Where: Where ever I am.  I live in Brooklyn, but work in Queens.  I also venture out to Long Island once a week for band practice.  I also travel a bit, so I'll try to keep up as I go.  I do have a smart phone so it should be easy enough to create content as I go.

  The best way to establish a habit is to make it a part of your routine... unfortunately my routine changes so often that it can be a challenge to schedule anything... my wife's work schedule somewhat dictates my life in this regard... so the time of day may vary quite a bit, but I do want to make this a DAILY blog... sometimes it may not be an entry that's much more than a tweet's worth of information, but I'll do my best to be consistent about it until I find something that works.

I'm starting this because lately I've been in a bit of a creative rut...  Overwhelmed by daily life to the point where I'm not creating anything and it's been driving me up a wall.  I also have a bit of a problem with consistency... In the interest of full disclosure, I have ADHD, which leaves me scattered, and also makes my memory a bit suspect at the best of times.  I also have other health issues and take quite a few meds to control them...

This is just a few of the meds/vitamins I take on a daily basis... yeah, it's a lot...

I know that it can seem counter productive to add yet another thing to an already pretty extensive list of things that vie for my attention in my free time, but I'm hoping that the challenge of keeping up with this will help remind me to keep on my game with doing other things regularly as well.

The deeper 'why' of this experiment is that I find myself looking for a creative outlet.  I write music, but when I'm busy/can't find time/space to do that I get backed up... I've wanted to write a book/a comic book for some time now, but when the time comes I seize up and eventually put it off, only further backing myself up even more...  So this may take the approach of being a stream of consciousness... but I'm not sure yet... it's too early to say.  We shall see I guess...

So that's it in a nut shell.  I've got quite a bit of house work to attend to when I get home, so I may not get to another entry tonight.  But that's a good first step I think.  Hope to see you in the comments :)


* = perhaps it's better that way ::shudder::**
** = Terry Pratchett is my favorite author.  Occasionally he throws in these little footnotes that make for better flow/amusing commentary.  If you see them, hop down to the bottom.  I'm not sure of the characters he uses for his books, but a number of asterisks is the best way I know how to implement it for now.

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